Forum Posts

Currency Conversion issue

In my website i am using the  currency as usd and i am using the payment gateway as paypal.when i try to checkout from woocommerce it redirect to paypal login screen and i entered the debit card details into it, it shows a currency convertion as usd ...

JoshAji by Contributor
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Paypal Express Checkout Button

Hello,   I hope you are fine    Hello,    I hope you are fine. I would like to do some PayPal integration on my wesbite   Customer add to cart a productOnce they click Checkout button on cart page I want it directly to lead them to Paypal express ch...

my simpe shop with return Parameter...

Hello,I have a simple shop. I have 100 product id's. I do not want a shopping cart, but the following parameters are important to me:I would like to send the following parameters to PayPal:- Product ID- Product price- My PayPal name..... customer inc...

tomycat by Contributor
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Accepting payment

I just set up a paynow button on my site.I asked a friend to test it out.It worked but he said if froze his screen and did not return him back to my site.I received the 1$. He tried again with another 1$ the screen just sat the spinning in a processi...

RS1203 by New Community Member
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paypal express checkout

Hi, I i'm starting a shopify store and when trying to test the payment gateway I found that the paypal checkout doing "returning to merchant panel" and the order is not processed. i found out online that many have had this issue but nowhere i found a...

shekar1986 by New Community Member
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Subscriptions (Refunds)

Hi,   Since implementing the IPN, I've had a few cancellations as expected. These were from customers who wanted to pay for the first year only and didn't want to subscribe again in a year's time.I've not encountered this yet, but what happens if the...

JayUk77 by Contributor
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Securely let developers into my paypal account

I am using a freelancer to carry out some tasks on several of my websites.  As this is all done remotely with no real identity checks being carried out I need to know that my paypal account is secure.  How much access would a developer need to be abl...

Simmyboy by New Community Member
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