Paypal Account in Ethiopia


Hi, I have done work for a client in Ethiopia and she is trying to pay me via Paypal but when she tries to create a Paypal account, it doesn't accept her country.  What does she do?

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PayPal Employee
PayPal Employee



I hope you are doing well. PayPal operates in over 200 countries. If you want to know if we do, you can go to the bottom of our Web page and click on the flag. Look for the country.


What you can do is to send a request for payment addressed to your customers email address. They will get a link where they can transact as a guest as well as an invite to open a PayPal account. If you have ongoing business with them suggest that they open an account which is absolutely free. 


Having an account is advantageous as it allows them to look you up and review previous transactions. 


I hope this helps. 



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