I have been having some troubles with the customer's phone number using the Rest Order Api v2.
Even though I send my customer's phone to the API, and have the option "Contact telephone number" to "on (required field)" on my merchant's account, it only displays my customer's default paypal number in the shipping field and Payer's contact telephone fields (which are both on my merchant's payment details page).
Is there something I missed? Thank you.
Here is a sample of my request data to the API :
"intent":"CAPTURE", "payer":{ "name":{ "surname":"Customer" }, "email_address":"", "phone":{ "phone_number":{ "national_number":"<removed>" } } }, "purchase_units":[ { "amount":{ "value":"897.00", "currency_code":"USD" }, "shipping":{ "name":{ "full_name":"fsdfds fsdfds" }, "address":{ "address_line_1":"<removed>", "admin_area_2":"Gyeongsan-si", "postal_code":"38536", "country_code":"KR" } }, "description":"product", "payee":{
} } ], "application_context":{
} }
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