The personal name on my Business Account is the name of a past employee (like, over a decade ago), and when we tried to change it they wouldn't accept the new documentation. Then we got flagged for identity verification and ability to do any transactions was blocked. I managed to get the old employee to provide some information to get us through this, and now it's held up at needing to provide one more piece of information about our officers - which I have, but when I click "provide info" the window that pops up is blank and doesn't let me enter ANY information. This is literally the only thing holding up this process and I can't get ahold of anyone to help me through this process. We're all struggling with COVID-19 right now and I'm just trying to access the money that's being held hostage in this freaking paypal account!!!!!!! HOW CAN I FIND SOMEONE TO HELP ME?!?!
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