I'm in... The legal resolution will be a slam dunk, but most people like me don't have the time to organize such. It'll be HELL to pay for PayPal if anyone had the time and "start up funds" to initiate this great cause. PayPal will start losing LOTS of customers as these permissive scams are assisted by PayPal. When the $$$$ starts to bleed them, only then will change occur. Anyone even know the true name of their CEO? There are much quicker and effective ways to skin a bad duck(s)! We hillbillies have them "down," but we don't have the patience to gather and file the necessary paperwork. I'm just going to ditch PayPal bc it's the only "legal way" to compromise their bottom line long-term! My bank handles them anyway, ALWAYS FAVORABLY by the way. Just use their protected credit cards-easy! Then you can laugh to the bank...
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