kernowlass Esteemed Advisor has answered similar and has a large presence here: Contact options for each countries Paypal customer services are accessed by clicking help/contact bottom left of Paypal pages. 1. Paypal phones (you can use the guest option if you can't log in). 2. Live chat is also randomly available. 3. You can send them a message, (during business hours you may also be able to message whilst logged out). 4. Have you considered contacting Customer Service via Facebook or Twitter? You can send them a personal message from their Facebook or Twitter pages. It's: and @AskPayPal for Twitter. You need to contact customer services to resolve any limitation or account specific issues. Click help / contact bottom left of Paypal pages for options available for your country. You may try forgot password link and proceed from there. Don't bother with the bot chats - they will do nothing. However if you're in Canada, and some other locales, without a cell phone or cell service you may be in it deep now. And PayPal will not want to help you. Even after finding a back door entry into PayPal showing their Security is not very good they did nothing and didn't ask how I did it. They won't 'fix' their 2-Step Verification entry method PERIOD. When you do manage to get customer service they are basically inept - or are forced to act that way. EXPLAINING no cellular service BESIDES having no mobile device falls on DEAF EARS. Yes PayPal will send 'Automated' text to a landline and which of course won't work - NOTE to PayPal landlines can't accept text. Yes representative will state automated system entry and it is the only option. Will say it is a 'NEW' issue - absolute DRIVEL as this has been going on for over a year. Won't answer suggestions about adding email or landline 'voice' number verification methods for those without cell service or mobile device. Mentioning that even the Canada Revenue Agency can manage that and MOST security systems offer one, or both, methods falls on DEAF EARS. They will keep suggesting a mobile is the only alternative - TRULY IGNORANT - and does nothing for those living in an area WITHOUT CELLULAR service even if you can/want to purchase and pay for a mobile phone. Representative will suggest an 'Authenticator App' even after no mobile or service previously explained when their system shows it is a MOBILE APP only. Followed by stupid waffling answer when pointing out AGAIN no mobile device and no cellular service. Will say nothing about the 'Security Key' option on their 2-Step Verification page - which COULD be an option. May get you logged in by sending you email certification and forcing password change. WON'T work by yourself but with their 'Overwatch' it may. Wouldn't offer anything else useful other than thanking you for the suggestions and that they MAY be looked at as the phone call is recorded. Will tell you to never shut down your browser and then you shouldn't have any issues ! ! ! ! ! ! ! THIS IS STUPID AND NON-SECURE. SO THEY SUGGEST A STUPID AND NON-SECURE METHOD TO BYPASS THEIR INEPT SECURITY AND LEAVE THEIR 'CLIENTS' EXPOSED. EVERY SECURITY PIECE YOU READ SAYS TO LOG OUT IMMEDIATELY ONCE FINISHED AND CLEAN UP YOUR BROWSERS. Even after Informing them that this is useless and can't be done they will be all in for doing it. Any logout, computer update, internet blip, power outage, browser cleaning [you know a security step - yes sarcasm intended] would negate this. AND NON-SECURE. SO ANYBODY can drain your credit cards and bank accounts dry - YAY PAYPAL - although hey they do get their cut if this happens. Or should you hire armed guards to protect your home and computer or just never leave sight of your computer or sleep . . . so PayPal can continue doing nothing. Hopefully the won't bring up "Manage auto login, including OneTouch" at least. PayPal boards are full of this thing being a major issue and automatically signing you up for it even if you shut it off. So it keeps you logged in which is UNSAFE against your choice. AND JUST TO CONFIRM STAYING LOGGED IN . . . WILL NOT WORK . . . it will log you out for inactivity and put you back into the DEATH LOOP AGAIN - demanding your mobile number before proceeding.
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