Many thanks for your reply @angelleye As I say, I'm using server-side calls to the v2 REST API only, no client-side javascript. Workflow goes like this: Customer clicks a 'Buy with PayPal' button in the Checkout which goes to our server The server issues a '/v2/checkout/orders' request with an 'intent' of 'authorize', logs the response and re-directs to a client-side Confirmation page Customer clicks 'Confirm Order' which goes back to the server Server issues a '/v2/checkout/orders/{id}/authorize' request, logs the response and re-directs the customer to a Thank You page At a later stage, when ready to ship, my client issues a '/v2/payments/authorizations/{authorization_id}/capture' to capture the payment BUT ... How does this work with Pay Later? The payment that comes back with the '/v2/checkout/orders' request is for the full amount and takes no account of a 'Pay in 3' option selected by the customer. Does PayPal take care of all this and we just Capture the full amount or .....? Many thanks in advance for any help on this. Best David
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