Have you succeeded with that anyhow? It's 4 years later and it looks like things haven't change. When someone with a business account makes a purchase, the payer's company name is passed successfully in "payer_business_name" property in the IPN payload (if IPNs are enabled, they will still arrive even if the payment was created via REST API). Even more, that company name is displayed in the Paypal interface of the seller - in the shipping address. But there is no payer company name neither in the PAYMENT.CAPTURE.COMPLETED webhook payload, nor in the "Show order details" API call (https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/orders/v2/#orders_get). All I get is the payer's first name and last name. But having the company name is often critical for the successful delivery in our case. I wonder why I see it in seller interface, but cannot get it via REST API. Any ideas, anyone?
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