I'm trying to get my solution working so that I can have customers enter their credit card and then I can reuse that card later for purchases in our platform using PayPal to process the transaction. My issues started yesterday when I was working on running some end-to-end tests on the process. All of this is done with sandbox endpoints, my account in sandbox mode and with sandbox API credentials. I was able to create a new card and save it in my vault. I created [removed]and got the setup token back. When I went to use the card, I was able to get the payment token for my card, but I got a 500 error when trying to complete the purchase with no details regarding what had gone wrong. I found some posts saying that certain cards can get into a bad state within PayPal servers, so they recommended using a real card. I did that, and was again able to get the setup token. However, when I went to use it, I got the payment token, but a 403 error when trying to complete the purchase. Again, no details to help with the nature of the error. Digging some more, I found the Card Testing page in the documentation, so I generated card details from there and tried those. I got the same results as the real card. When looking at the API logs, I noticed that both my /v3/vault/payment-tokens and /v2/checkout/orders had the same debug ID. Which made me wonder if it didn't like the fact that I was reusing my bearer token for all of the calls in an operation (getting the token and placing the order). So, I made changes to get a new bearer token for each and every call - no change. Now, this morning, I came in to post this, but I hadn't apparently finished setting up my account. So, I went through that process. When I got back to the developer dashboard and tried to gather information for this post, all of my API history was gone. And, my API credentials had changed. I've re-run my tests this morning (with a new card created under new API credentials) and I'm still getting a 403. Here's the body of the call that I'm making for the purchase (minus the actual token id): {"intent":"CAPTURE","purchase_units":[{"amount":{"currency_code":"USD","value":"250.00"}}],"payment_source":{"card":{"vault_id":"XXXXXXXXXXXXX"},"stored_credential":{"payment_initiator":"MERCHANT","payment_type":"RECURRING","usage":"SUBSEQUENT"}}} Any ideas? Things that I may be missing based on the examples shown at https://developer.paypal.com/docs/checkout/save-payment-methods/purchase-later/payment-tokens-api/cards/? Or in my account? It seems like my credentials and base REST mechanism are working properly, so I don't know where in the details I'm having issues. Thanks, Matt
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