I know the 'means' which is Google Script editor. I know there IS a free 'Google Sheets AddOn' (by a third party, but free and addable) which operates as an html based sidebar. My personal use project, is trying to use script editor and get it to get my current Paypal balance, and putthat value to a cell on sheet. Part 1 get access token from paypal Part 2 use token to authenticate and get my current balance Part 3 put balance in a cell. (BTW I am very very new to coding). Sofar, (via Google Sheets, using the Script editor) I can get the 'access token' needed, (part 1.. works, check!)and I'm at a snag getting it to authenticate and get my balance, and part 3, is easy (very simple to put values in cells) I agree, I wish Paypal (official) had some kind of Google Sheets (official) integration, perhaps something that on user end, works as a sheets formula, such as (example idea) "=PAYPAL(yourpaypaluseremail)" [of course some safety confirm etc, such as an "export to GSheets" on the paypal site, where you could enter the google sheets spreadsheet URL allowed to get your balance.] Just n idea for the Official Paypal/Google to consider. Till then, you can use the addon I mentioned, or, like me, learn/make your own. (When/if I have my script fully functional, working, etc.. I'll be sure to post it)
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