Paypal is making my life extremely difficult. I am an American living in Korea. I have an American Paypal account with an American address and an American bank account attached to it. I'm not able to add my Korean address or Korean bank account to it, so every time I buy something I have to manually give the seller my correct address. Some sellers ignore the emails and send the stuff to the wrong address, and Paypal always rules in their favor when I file claims. I understand that the best solution this is getting a Korean Paypal account. I tried that. Guess what? Paypal Korea allows foreigners to open Paypal accounts but does not allow us to add any bank accounts (Korean or otherwise) to them, so we can't use the accounts to send or receive money, within Korea or internationally. I spent hours on the phone with Paypal Korea and this is their official policy. Foreigners are not allowed to use Korean Paypal accounts. (We can have them but not use them.) This is a problem. Neither my country or origin nor my country of residence will provide legit Paypal service to me, despite the fact I have legimate addresses and bank accounts in both of them, all 100% legal and aboveboard. I have written to American Paypal many times on this issue and the only response I ever get is ... nothing. I've never gotten a response. And all my claims are handled by automated services that don't even READ the claims, just send out a bunch of automatic messages based on the category under which the claim was filed. I try to reach a real person and I just get phone numbers with access codes that are good for 15 minutes. But I live in another country and the phone numbers don't work. (Not to mention I shouldn't have to spend a hundred dollars to call you just because you won't answer an email.) Is this situation so hard to resolve that you are forced to ignore every attempt by your customers to contact you? I realize international banking is tricky (apparently?) but at least ONE Paypal in the world needs to be able to provide me with proper service. Someone please respond and please help. There are things I have to buy from America, like DEODORANT. (It doesn't exist in Korea.) Even some Korean business require payment with Paypal. PLEASE help me, someone!
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