Hello Eric, I have a different problem with this Storm Media Ltd. I'm in America and thought about purchasing something with this company on the 21st. I changed my mind went back to the cart and zeroed it out from the one that was there and left the site. I didn't complete any transaction at all but somehow one went through and I was billed for a transaction I did NOT authorize! Pay Pal is not putting through a refund because the non authorization wasn't done by someone using my card and doing a transaction in my name. Not completing a transaction evidently doesn't mean anything to them! I've been using PP for several years and this has never happened before. It seems to me that not authorizing and completing a transaction means you didn't choose to do it! They don't see it that way? I've written to what I think is the company but something isn't right here and it seems you and I aren't the only two people to have had problems with this Storm Media Ltd? 😞
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