In December of 2016 I made a purchase of approximately $1,500 and used my PayPal Credit to do so. On my online account it says I have until July 13, 2017 to pay off the $1,500 purchase to avoid paying any interest. On the pull down box, on the details page that describes that purchase it says that $95+ in interest has accumulated since I made that purchase. In all actuality I will probably end up about $500 short of paying for the entire purchase by July 13th. I understand that all of the interest ($95 + what accumulates between now and July 13th) will be added to what I have to pay back. My question is this: If I still owe $500 after July 13th does the entire balance and interest come due all at once after the initial 6 months or can I make payments? If I can make pay payments what would be a "ballpark" estimate for a payment on a $500 balance plus probably $130 in interest by then?
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