Our client side Javascript catches all uncaught errors and reports them back to our server where they are logged. We have seen a growing number of errors on Firefox 77.0 browsers lately in the PayPal SDK Javascript code (Windows and Linux systems). We capture the following details: The following Javascript error was reported to the web server on Fri Jun 26 08:50:08 EDT 2020: Error location:https://www.paypal.com/sdk/js?client-id=****¤cy=USD&disable-funding=credit (line 2, column 47550) Error: Request to post https://www.paypal.com/xoplatform/logger/api/logger failed: [object ProgressEvent]. Stack Trace: ht/ Client Details: userAgent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:77.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/77.0 appCodeName: Mozilla appName: Netscape appVersion5.0 (Windows) platform: Win32 prototype:undefined URL: https://cabintechglobal.com/mn3007 The stack trace is not very useful, other than showing it happens in the ht() method where it detects a POST failure and throws and exception (which apparently is not caught anywhere and ends up on our error handler): function ht(n) { return function (n) { var ...; return new E((function (n, t) { ... var v = new c.XMLHttpRequest; for (var b in v.addEventListener("load", (function () { ... }), !1), v.addEventListener("error", (function (n) { ----> t(new Error("Request to " + r.toLowerCase() + " " + e + " failed: " + n.toString() + ".")) }), !1), v.open(r, e, !0), o) o.hasOwnProperty(b) && v.setRequestHeader(b, o[b]); a ? s = JSON.stringify(a) : u && (s = Object.keys(u).map((function (n) { return encodeURIComponent(n) + "=" + (u ? encodeURIComponent(u[n]) : "") })).join("&")), v.timeout = f, v.ontimeout = function () { t(new Error("Request to " + r.toLowerCase() + " " + e + " has timed out")) }, v.send(s) })) }({ ... }).then(hn) } We cannot tell when this is happening (page load, PayPal button click, payment attempt, payment complete) and have been unable to reproduce it ourselves, but we are concerned that some customers are unable to complete orders on our website because of this. How can we find out what is going on and fix it?
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