I'm not sure why no one asked this before but I need some serious clarifications on the GST TAX Invoice (INDIA) that PayPal provides after each month.
The invoice says we've charged you for example 100 INR on the services provided PLUS then added another 9% of CGST of 9 INR PLUS another 9% of SGST of 9 INR.
Which means, for the past month, PayPal has charged me 118 INR for the services they've provided. Cool No problem with this.
The problem here is the Invoice is consolidated and it's nowhere mentioned, where PayPal has charged us on Individual transaction level.
"I also believe the GST is only applicable where PayPal FEES has been charged."
I have several months where No PayPal fees have been charged but I still receive GST Invoices from PayPal with their service charges.
I believe there can be any hidden conversion fee but it's very difficult to know, What and Where exactly PayPal has charged us to apply a GST for a certain month.
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