I just read this holding funds situation. we are paying and transferring money with credit cards, not checks, money is instantly approved with credit cards or debit cards for transfer to PayPal, If a debit card is reversed for NSF, perhaps due to payroll late etc. etc. it can be run through again very quickly and the Buyer can be contacted by PayPal or the backup credit card can be charged. Checks are held for 21 days of clearing various banks from one part of country to the other when you deposit them into your account. That is why sometimes your funds are not cleared for release when you deposit various checks you receive. Then those funds held earn interest for the banks as you can't use them, but they are earning interest on your money. PapPal must be trying to run this like we are depositing uncollected funds from one different bank to another. I thought they were just a service to help the Seller get paid for product timely, not make money, by holdling funds Sellers have made for 21 days, I for one wouldn't sell and collect money on paypal if that is how they are handling payments to Sellers, plus they pay themselves from the so called uncollected funds and are waiting to make sure they clear. I DON'T THINK SO, IT IS JUST A SCAM FOR THEM TO HOLD YOUR MONEY. THEN THEY SHOULD PAY THE SELLERS INTEREST ON THE MONEY THEY ARE HOLDING FOR 21 DAYS. HMMMMM. I can see how another company could compete with PayPal and make some money for fees charged upfront for processing and space for storefront and so forth. SURE HAS GOTTEN COMPLICATED. tHAT IS WHY I DIDN'T OPEN A STORE FRONT OR START A BUSINESS ON EBAY, IT WAS TO COMPLICATED. yOU CAN'T SELL AND MAKE MONEY, IF YOU CAN'T GENERATE HITS AND THAT COSTS MONEY, SO YOU BETTER BE SELLING BAJILLIONS OF STUFF OR BE VERY GOOD AT AUCTIONS AS I THINK THAT MIGHT BE THE EASIEST THING TO DO TO GET PRODUCT IN FRONT OF THE CUSTOMER. IT ONLY TOOK ME SIX MONTHS OF RESEACHING HOW TO SET UP A BUSINESS AND MAKE IT WORK WHEN I REALIZED ALL THE FEES, CHARGES, OVERHEAD JUST TO SELL SOMETHING AT YOUR SITE MIGHT NOT BE SUCH A PROFITABLE DEAL FOR THE LITTLE GUY. I PAY FOR WHAT I BUY ON EBAY WITH PAYPAL, BUT ONLY IF THE SELLER REQUIRES IT AS I BELIEVE THE SELLER DOESN'T MAKE AS MUCH IF HE HAS TO PAY FOR ALL THE OVERHEAD TO PAYPAL. SHIPPING CHARGES I BELIEVE SELLERS ARE REALLY PUTTING IT TO THE BUYERS AND SOMETIMES THAT IS WHERE THEY MAKE THEIR PROFIT BY OVERCHARGING HANDLING COSTS, ADMIN. COSTS, AND SHIPPING FEES IN ONE HANDY LITTLE CHARGE. I PAID $50 JUST TO GET A SMALL LAPTOP SHIPPED FROM DELL AND I KNOW IT COULD HAVE BEEN SENT FOR A LOT LESS THAN THAT. INTERESTING, ISN'T IT. CMAY
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