How to deacticate Touch ID when I can’t log on to app

Hi, My home button on my iPhone is broken so Touch ID is no longer an option. When opening the PayPal app it tries to offer Touch ID, and when failing it becomes unresponsive, I can’t write my password for instance, the screen is greyed out. The way to deactivate Touch ID in PayPal’s app is to log on and click on your profile icon and so on. You have to be logged on for that, so what do I do? It has to be done in the app as far as I know. Thanks!
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Hello @Rotarota,


Thanks for visiting PayPal's Community Forum. 


I do understand that you want to disable fingerprint login. Request you to kindly reach out to our customer support team to know what can be done next or to get an understanding of the possible solution to the issue raised. Please reach out to the Support Team during business hours via phone and kindly select "Call us as Guest". Kindly click the Contact option at the bottom of PayPal page. 


Hope this response is helpful!


Warm Regards,


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