Hi, Is there any way to protect myself when making digital sales?


I am concerned a customer is placing large orders from me and will in future say the card usage was unauthorised or the goods (files) were never received. I have sent some of the orders via a file transfer company.

The orders are very large compared to my average sales and the buyer is working their way through my website buying up each type of product in all versions then coming back around ten days later and then doing the same again for other products.

What worries me is I will send them all my work then they will in future turn around and request a refund from paypal and paypal will take their side when I have done nothing wrong.

I currently have a fourth order from the customer I've had for two days now and I haven't processed. The buyer so far has made no attempt to contact me about why they haven't received their order.

I contacted the buyer when they made their first order asking them if they were happy to go ahead with their purchase and the response I got back was "Yes, please proceed with the order".

The other thing is if the buyer puts in a claim I will be charged by paypal if I lose (which I think I would based on previous experience) which could be a large sum of money because of the size of the orders placed.


Any help much appreciated.



       Gary - GP Locomotives.com


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That depends on many factors all listed in Paypals seller protection policy for you to read so you can risk assess your transactions.
Legal (bottom right of Paypals pages) > user agreement > seller protection.

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That doesn't answer the question I asked.

Really I need someone who has similar experience and knows a way to be safe as a seller. 

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Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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