my first transaction of 20$ from a friend my paypal got limited

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in my first transaction of 20$ from a friend my paypal got limited, when i asked the support they said that "We appreciate your interest in PayPal; however, our decision to leave your account in a permanent limitation status is final.""

I am resident of France but my origin is Morocco


What I did wrong ?


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Most common reasons (by no means all of them) for an account limitation are:-

1. You have a previously limited account (temporary or permanent) and you have tried to open a new account and not resolved the issues with the other account first.
2. Using a VPN.
3. Not living in the country where you opened your Paypal account.
4. Being under 18 / minor account.
5. Having 2 Paypal accounts or more of the same account type.
6. Not having your legal name on your Paypal account.
7. Selling items (often virtual or digital) that Paypal consider a high risk of disputes/chargebacks.
8. Using the friends/family option for sales transactions to try and evade Paypal fees and risk of disputes.
9. Too many disputes/claims.
10. Violating their acceptable use policy.

Normally you can't appeal a permanent limitation however if its none of the above reasons then you could try and contact customer services to appeal?

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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