Pay pal transferring wrong currency to bank account

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I Have a Bulgarian bank account in BGN. My main currency on PayPal is USD. When I try to transfer money to my debit card linked to my account PayPal exchanges the usd and adds a fee for the instant transfer. So far so good. I have read that PayPal always sends money in the local currency so I am not even hoping for my bank to handle the exchange and get better exchange rates instead of PayPal's terrible ones.

But when I decide to do a bank transfer (which is supposed to be free btw and take a few business days) paypal decides to exchange my money to EUR first and then send it to my bank which then exchanges it to BGN. WHY?? I thought PayPal sends money to the local currency?? Even if I want to withdraw MY dollars I understand I cannot do that if I dont have an american bank account. But why exchanging the USD to EUR instead of directly to BGN???

That way not only I have to wait a few business days to get my money but also have to pay the same fees that I would pay if I were directly transfering to my card but but in the form of exchanges fees. Why cant you just send me the BGN to my bank account and get your terrible rate or set a fee for the bank transfer instead of claiming your transaction is free and then proceeding to convert random currencies.

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Hello @Zerzolar 


Welcome to the PayPal Community Help and thanks for your post!


I can understand your concern about currency conversion involved in withdrawals to bank. When you withdraw money from your PayPal account, it’s automatically converted to the primary currency of the country which your PayPal account is registered to. It's possible that BGN currency is not supported in PayPal due to which the currency is converted to supported local currency EUR.


Hope this information helps,


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