PayPal denied my payment and is unable to resolve my negative balance

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Two weeks ago, I bought some music equipment online using PayPal. PayPal denied this transaction (I authorized it with my bank), but somehow the payment was still sent through. I now have a debt in my PayPal account of nearly $1000 - which I am ok to pay, I still received the goods from the merchant. When trying to resolve this balance today, I attempt to load my debit card AND bank account into PayPal to make the payment. PayPal gives error messages when I try each of these, so I call my bank again to authorize. I make a new attempt while on the phone with my bank to verify it is nothing on their end, and PayPal is found to be blocking me from adding any new form of payment, which I need in order to resolve this debt. Can someone please help? Also, can someone assure that this will be at no hit to my credit, as I haven't done anything wrong?

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Esteemed Advisor



Ways to clear a negative balance.

1. Transfer funds from your bank account via the add funds function. This option may be disabled if it was your bank that caused the negative balance to occur initially.

2. The quickest and easiest way is to get a mate or family member to send a payment via the friends / family option. As long as they don't fund it with a card it should be free.

3. Via a card over the phone with paypal.

4. Or mail a cheque as per link.

5. Buy something and Paypal will normally add the debt to that payment during checkout when you authorise the purchase....but check before you click submit that the purchase amount + debt are both showing to be paid.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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