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Update your PayPal buttons before 29th March 2017.......





Updating thread title to reflect the new date of March 29th.


Please note that we have extended the go live date for this until March 29th. Any questions related to updating the buttons and HTML basics related to this upgrade please post here.







I received this email from PayPal..

Update your PayPal buttons before 18 January 2017

In January, we'll be upgrading the PayPal integration you're using, Website Payments Standard, to:

  • Let your customers check out in a click with One Touch™
  • Ensure your checkout is always mobile-optimised
  • Deliver a simpler checkout design that’s consistent across desktop and mobile

To ensure you can continue to process payments once these upgrades have taken place, please update your PayPal buttons by 18 January 2017.

What do you need to do?

We’ve identified problems with at least one of your PayPal buttons so please check all your existing buttons for invalid or incorrect data.


I've been testing my buttons to see if theres a problem, so far all working (still many to go)
If PayPal has identified a problem cant they also mention where and what it is since they discovered it?

I see the PayPal documentation but so far I cant see my mistake..

Any help or advice on this most welcome.. i.e further info on this email and how to troubleshoot this..


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