Any way to get the user to pay with a credit card without having an account on the Paypal site?


Situation is: I'm using the REST api with a Paypal business account from USA. "Paypal account optional" is set to "on".

So I'm choosing "paypal" as paymen method, and the user is redirected to the Paypal site. I understood at some point that a credit card form would be available to pay without logging in there. This is not happening.

I just want to avoid getting into PCI compliance, if possible. Is there any way for me to offer credit card payments without logging into Paypal? If I have to use another implementation, I will.

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To have the customer pay via credit card would require you to host a credit card form on your site using PayPal Express Checkout which will let you accept cards directly. With that system, you are still required to provide a link to checkout with PayPal as an option to your customers. There is no 100% credit card only solution that I can think of. The Express system remains PCI complaint provided you are running on an SSL.

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Thanks for answering.

What I'm trying to accomplish is what I now found out is called 'guest checkout'. Meaning, the option to pay on the Paypal site without a Paypal account. I'm not worried that Paypal still appears as an option.

I'm wondering if this can currently be done using Paypal Express checkout...

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