Paypal shipping labels not printing?

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Whats going on this morning? Cant print paypal shipping labels. Tried twice and hangs in an open window and needed to void both labels. Whats going on here Paypal!?!?!?!?!?!?

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Just to let everyone know....there are a ton of people out there that are upset about this problem with not being able to print your shipping labels (I'm one of them). You can find more information  & see what's being said about it here:


I finally managed to get in touch with someone from PayPal.....had 2 people give me 2 different answers about what's going on. PayPal customer service has not handled this very well at all. There should be no reason why you should not be able to use your regular browsers, etc. The technical dept. should be able to either fix this or change things back to the way they were before the problem started.


For those who don't wish to use another browser (I use Firefox), I did find out yesterday that if you use multi-order shipping, it prints your labels out just fine! I just happened to think of it yesterday after having to void my labels AGAIN. So, why does that work, but printing them from your summary page doesn't?!? It doesn't make any kind of sense since you're still on the PayPal website. Hopefully, someone from PayPal will see all these posts in the forums & do something about fixing the problems.

@Archelo wrote:

Whats going on this morning? Cant print paypal shipping labels. Tried twice and hangs in an open window and needed to void both labels. Whats going on here Paypal!?!?!?!?!?!?


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Pay Pal multi ship is hosed by Pitney Bowes through paypal.  Single lables are printed within paypal.

It is a Java problem that appeared several years back when all browsers block it and  ther is nome workaround.  On lap top I have had to stay with old versions of java and fire fox but cant get it to work on my new desktop. Have no idea why.


Paypal for over a year  says printing lables is down and tec is working on it when asked. For over a year .


I  am not a geek and have no idea what to do


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