Receiving Error Message When Trying to Send Payment Through Invoice

New Community Member

I usually use PayPal when I am shopping through websites such as Target or Etsy, but I recently purchased a service from an independent seller in the UK. I am located in the US. Whenever I go to pay through the invoice I was sent, and also through the invoice link on my PayPal account page, I get this error: "The selected credit card is invalid. Please use a different funding source."


I have never had an issue with PayPal before and I know that the cards I have linked to my account are in good standing. I have private messaged PayPal through the website, but I'm unsure of how long it will take for them to respond and I would like to get the matter solved as quickly as possible so that I can send my payment and receive my services. This is a time-sensitive issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you!

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I have the same problem, I've been looking arround for an answer, still haven't found one, so im trying to raise some awerness on the subject because i'm in the same situation, and i really need to work fast...

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New Community Member

I have the same problem since yesterday , when I was trying to buy an item from Canada.

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