Is this a scam email or is it a legitimate email?

I got the following email this morning, the email address looked a little strange, and something about it didn't look right. Find the email that I got below: Email address: account-under-review @ fastservice .com Dеаr (my own personal email), Sοmeοne else logged into your аϲсοunt form a new brοwser or deviϲe. That's why we have to block your acсount to keep you safe from frаudulеnt асtivities. Was That You ? 14 April 2017, 03:18 AM Brussels, Belgium Safari on IOS 10 You have to соmpletе some personal infоrmаtions on our help сenter to соnfirm your identity and restоrе the full асcеss to your aсcоunt. Ϲоnfirm Nоw --Email end-- The "Confirm now" is a link. I haven't clicked it yet. Any help to identify whether this is a proper email or not would be greatly appreciated!
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New Community Member
I had this problem too. Clicked on link said page locked due to be a spamming attack. Looked at pay pal and bank account, no suspicious activites I could see. Even looked on PayPal site no disputes or problems.
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New Community Member

I had the same e-mail today saying I had unusual activity on April 24, saying same thing. I clicked on link

but page comes Up saying domain blocked due to be a spamming attack. Double checked PayPal and bank account.

could not see anything unaccounted for. 100% spam. Just keep check on account, or change password. They don't ask for details. 

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PayPal Employee
PayPal Employee

Hi Cathal17


I’ve noticed in your query that you mentioned that the e-mail addressed you by your personal e mail address.


We will always address you by your name. This is definitely a phishing e mail. I’ve included some tips below to identify valid e-mails in future.


Hope this helps. Smiley Happy



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