Make refund


Good evening! It is a transfer of money for the purchase of a telephone from Exactly here is this ad: I contacted the seller, he was kind, I understood that I was transferring half of his money and he sent me the phone after taking the phone, I immediately told him that I would send him the other part and he agreed. We tried several times and it didn't work. This was on 24 to 11/12 hours even 25.8.2021. , and the last time his money was up and he wanted to transfer it to his bank / card account and the money was stopped for 48 hours or withheld. He sent me a photo that it didn't happen and I don't understand French, it was French and my translator didn't translate well, but he wrote clearly, "You recently updated your account information. You'll get the money in a day or two, then he stopped answering me talking nasty and hard and I got nervous and so did I. I transferred 395 euros to him, which were transferred to Goedert <removed> paypal by e-mail. He got his money and I didn't pick up the phone, it was half the money + express delivery. I have the ID card of the seller for whom I present myself, I am no longer sure. I filed a complaint to get my money back in PayPal and I had chosen the buyer's protection, but it was in German and I don't understand German because I'm from abroad I live in Bulgaria, but he earns it in German and I don't understand my translator is not nice and I'm sure clicked somewhere where it should not and an email came to me that the money could not be refunded. I can't file a complaint again, I don't know why, I called you on the phone, I can't contact you because the operator doesn't allow it, I also used the Bulgarian code but it doesn't work. I wanted to make my mother happy with a new phone but alas it didn't work out. I have an ID card taken on both sides and a phone number with the bank accounts and emails he gave me. I have the whole chat we talked to. Please I don't want anything else. I want to be helped to get my money back. I can send you everything I have indicated if there is something I have not mentioned possibly and I will send it to you. The card I use in the account belongs to my mother because I forgot mine in Bulgaria and the money I receive is sent there. Please note I have chosen buyer protection and i didn’t get the phone yet 2 days. I want to get back the amount of 395 euros I transferred. Thanks for the attention i hope i can get my money back.

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