UPS tracking number scam


I tried a new marketplace because I trust PayPal. I wish, however, that I had also reviewed the eBay and PayPal community boards before purchasing. This exact scam appears frequently over recent weeks - where the 'seller' uses others' UPS tracking numbers to 'prove' delivery. I'm not an expert in security but it appears that the heart of the scam is the ease with which one can access UPS tracking numbers for a given date and zip code. You only need to guess a customer reference - which can be common and generic such as 'purchase order' or 'gift'. Of course, if you know someone who works at UPS (where tracking numbers are visible in any store), this would be even easier. Judging by the eBay outcomes (full refunds), I'm assuming that eBay security has caught up with this scam - perhaps banning this 'seller', leading them to migrate to another platform. PayPal, however, has not caught up with this - as my case was denied in less than 10 seconds (surely due to false 'proof' of delivery). I have UPS confirmation that the tracking number corresponds to neither the 'seller' nor to my name and address - but PayPal seems unable or unwilling to accept this information and address this scam. Until PayPal solves this, buyer beware.

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I experienced the same problem with "drop in cafe USA" (no spaces dot com) for an order placed on July 20 at 9:10 PM that I never received.  I paid with PayPal and my American Ex card. I suspected a scam about an hour after placing the order and tried to cancel.  The email to merchant to cancel bounced and the phone number on the merchant's web site was not valid.  I immediately (within 2 hours of placing the order) filed a claim with PayPal saying I want the order canceled and a refund, and that I suspected fraud.  One week later, in response the my claim the merchant provided PayPal (and me) a tracking number and PayPal closed the case in favor of the scamming merchant.  PayPal failed to notice the tracking number was for a shipment received and scanned by UPS more than 5 hours BEFORE I placed the order.  No way to reopen the dispute with PayPal once closed - emails to support @ PayPal are ignored (an automatic reply indicates this) and I cannot reach a human by phone on their customer support line.  I also filed a claim with UPS as soon as I received the tracking number and UPS Security called me this morning asking for "Luke somebody" (not me) and I told her I was the one who filed the claim.  The UPS agent read me the address this was delivered to, and it was NOT my address.  The UPS agent said USP security would contact PayPal regarding this tracking number and acknowledged this scam was occurring.  Seems unlikely this will cause PayPal to reopen the case.  Not sure why PayPal is continuing to let scammers continue to get away with this known problem as this problem as been going on for some time.  I also filed a claim with American Ex the same evening I placed the order and have since provided American Ex boatloads of evidence.  American Ex is good about resolving disputes (unlike PayPal) and thus I am confident I will be refunded by American Ex.  But what a pain this has been, and PayPal is terrible with customer support for problems like this.  Meanwhile the scams continue and PayPal will not protect the unsuspecting buyer.  BTW, the mentioned scamming website is still live as of today.

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Paypal isn't willing to help so why can't we all help each other? Pretty sure the feds need to get involved with this stuff.
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I used PayPal to protect me through my purchase.  I wish I never had.  I ordered an item that I never received.  Was provided someone else's UPS tracking number. The name and the address are not mine.  I had a P.O. Box as my shipping address and the seller kept saying that the item was taken off my porch by "Bad Guys".  I sent all of this to PayPal and they sided with the Seller.  I will never use PayPal again and will spread the word.  I am beyond livid!  I think Paypal is getting kick backs from the scammers. Why else would they repeatedly allow users to be scammed out of their money.  The proof is in the pudding!

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Wow, I have eliminated Paypal as a pay source for me. This is just ridiculous. I think Paypal won't be around much longer, especially with all this bad press. They sure don't seem to care.
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I think not only filing an FBI report and complaint with your State. I think it is time PayPal faced a Class action suit. I’m can prove I never received my order. They choose to protect scammers and profit from illegal activity.
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I have also been scammed. Ordered kayak, bogus seller provided a UPS tracking number - not delivered to me and not my address or item. I filed dispute, PayPal denies it saying there was a tracking number. Well duh, I provided that and also told them it was false. So now I have an open appeal. I provided UPS proof that the tracking number was not to my name nor to my address. I am almost certain after reading hundreds of other community board posts that there’s was also denied, that mine will be once again denied. PayPal probably won’t even look at the emailed proof. So


since I read that PayPal has been aware of this for a very long time and refuses to take action. I think it’s time for class action lawsuit.

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I ordered a bbq. The UPS Proof of delivery supplied by seller indicated clothing with a weight of 2.1 pounds. PayPal’s platform for handling disputes is designed to deny. I’m not an attorney but seems like a conflict of interest because PayPal profits from fraudulent sales and quickly deny the dispute without investigating. They even sell buyers added protection. What a farce! 

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