We’re sorry, you can’t file a case on this type of transaction.


Sorry guys can you please help me,I use globelmoney.com to transfer money from yo webmoney.but i since gound out the webite is a scam and i cant seem to file a despute can anyone please assit me

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Hi @mrmoks90,


I'm sorry to hear that there is a problem with a payment. Is the transaction a Friends and Family payment or a Goods and Services payment? Is the payment from a subscription or billing agreement, or is it a one-time payment?


These answers will help the community to better isolate what's happening. Thank you!




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Goods and service,thd transaction stil shows pending,why cant they just reverse the transaction,is that not posible?I have been reading and there are a lot of people who are being scammed by this website,and paypal aint doing nothing about it
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Hi @mrmoks90,


If the item or service was not received or the item or service was significantly not as described, you should be able to open a dispute on the transaction. If you are unable to open a dispute following those directions, please contact customer service for further assistance.


Each dispute is reviewed individually, but a trend of disputes would definitely cause PayPal to examine the activity on a larger scale. It is not possible to reverse payments without individual disputes, which are all subject to the guidelines of both Buyer and Seller Protection.


To contact customer service, please click Contact at the bottom of the PayPal website for available options, or reach out by Facebook or Twitter.


I hope this helps!




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Happened to me too. Someone called FACEBK-DAILY STEALS charged $401.24 to my PP account. I tried to stop it but got the message "We’re sorry, you can’t file a case on this type of transaction. " I'm not sure why I can't file a case. I moved all my money out of my checking account so it won't go through.

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When I tried to get my money back for an order from Kogan that wasn't delivered, Paypal said this:
"We’re sorry, you can’t file a case on this type of transaction."

I ordered some hand sanitizer when it was scarce, on 19th April.

Kogan never delivered it.

Now hand sanitizer is easily available everywhere, so I have lots.

Yesterday (21st May) I looked at Kogan's website and they said the order had not yet been picked from their warehouse.

I messaged Kogan to cancel the order and get a refund because I no longer needed it after more than a month, and they hadn't done anything about it.

They responded to say they would look into it.

Then suddenly today they sent me a message saying they were sending me this useless sanitizer I don't need.

After they had a month to send it, suddenly when I ask for a refund because of their delay, they send it.

I cannot use it now, after all this time.

I tried to open a dispute with Paypal and Paypal says I can't do that.


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