"You can't use PayPal anymore"


This morning I woke up to this lovely e-mail saying: "Because you have continually filed cases that do not align with the intent of the PayPal Purchase Protection Program and are contrary to the terms outlined in our User Agreement, we’ve determined you can no longer use PayPal’s services. We’ve limited your account so you can no longer send or receive funds. Your ability to file PayPal Purchase Protection cases has also been removed. Any existing PayPal Purchase Protection cases you've filed will be denied.". I've never, not even once filed a claim, so I can't seem to understand where this is even coming from. I'm ultimately frustrated, even more, that I can't simply ring up PayPal and have this discussed, but rather have to wait days to get a response! Will PayPal ever get their act together? Screenshot 2020-06-04 at 10.54.05.png

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Hello, <removed>

If you have never filed a claim or haven't broken any thing in the user Agreement then this is a massive issue. I haven't seen a false ban like this before. You need to contact paypal asap if you haven't broken the User Agreement I found the fast's way for my self during  COVID-19 is by there twitter and other social-media help supports. Reach out to them @AskPayPal on twitter and explain your issue. If this ban was valid and you have money on your account you will be able to to transfer money after 180 days.


Solved/Kudos are greatly appreciated!  😁

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I've tried messaging them on PayPal messaging centre, but it says that I'm trying to contact them out of business hours apparently when it's only 11:15 am. Tried on FaceBook, to receive an automated response saying "Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) emergency our customer service staff is limited and we can't transfer you to a customer service agent at this time.". I literally can't believe this. 

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Reaching PayPal is super hard during COVID-19. Go ahead and try to reach there twitter each out to them @AskPayPal on twitter and explain your issue. I usually get a response from a Real Person within 24hr's. I haven't gotten a message saying "we can't transfer you to a customer service agent at this time" on twitter. If you dont get a response there you can as well send them a email with lots of details. They will respond but will be delayed on there email as well as there twitter.


Kudos/Sovled Greatly Appreciated! 

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Report to FTC and file complaint about PayPal and the what your issue is!! https://www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov/Information?OrgCode=TFMICF#crnt
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