Ebay item not received.. help

New Community Member
I bought an item from ebay and not received it. I opened a dispute with the seller who never replied. I escalated this to a claim, just found out now paypal has closed the case and not gone in my favour due to the seller entering a tracking number. However the email stated the delivery company as 'other' and the tracking reference as '1234567890' which is clearly fake. Surely this cannot be tolerated and accepted. Any help please
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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor


Click on the words "Help / Contact" at the bottom of paypals pages and use the phone option in the blue band at the top OR very bottom of page dependent on what country you are in. Scroll down past the list of help questions and click on 'Call us' bottom of that page. Log in and get the code.

When you get through don't select any options just hang on till you get transfered to an agent OR just say the word 'Agent'".

In the UK its free from any landline phone.




have you considered contacting Customer Service via Facebook or Twitter?
You can send them a personal message from their facebook or twitter pages.

It's: https://www.facebook.com/PayPalUK and @AskPayPal for Twitter.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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