How can I assign custom part numbers to each option in a drop-down button?

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I have a button on my website with drop-down options.  When I created the button, it asked for a (optional) part number and I put one in using my normal way of encoding a part number MRRxxxxxx.  This normally works great on a single item because I can read that and know it's an MRR related product and the rest tells me what it is.  However, with this product, it can be configured in one of about five ways and I need the part number to reflect this.  For example, it might be a custom length of 3 feet selected by the customer.  Instead of just MRRCBCBL, I would like to have either just a 3 or a -3 appended to the end of it for that drop-down item.  I went back and looked over the button configuration page top to bottom before posting this.  If it was there, I couldn't find it.



Jason - RPC Electronics, LLC

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