how to transfer my euros from paypal to my revolut euro account?


how to transfer my euros from paypal to my revolut euro account? i dont want to convert it to GBP to go into my uk bank account then be changed back to euros as i lose too much on the currency conversion

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Hi zainamac,


Thank you for contacting the PayPal Community Forum and welcome as a new member!


It is not possible to transfer EURO funds into a UK Bank account registered in GBP. The funds will need to be converted in to GBP before it will allow you to initiate a withdrawal.


- Siobhan

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@PayPal_Siobhan2 wrote:

Hi zainamac,


Thank you for contacting the PayPal Community Forum and welcome as a new member!


It is not possible to transfer EURO funds into a UK Bank account registered in GBP. The funds will need to be converted in to GBP before it will allow you to initiate a withdrawal.


- Siobhan

The OP was asking about how to transfer funds from PayPal to Revolut, not how to transfer to a UK bank acct. I am wondering the same thing. Revolut is a Global Money App with a MasterCard function. We don't want to have to send money to our banks and then over to Revolut from PayPal because it is a long process and a losing deal because of conversions. To the OP, I just added Revolut to my PayPal. It cost me $1 to do so, which was billed to Revolut. However, I see that I cannot top off Revolut, only pay with it.

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Nobody knows? The moderator decided to just not answer? Great job Paypal! 

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