PayPal asking for street number?


I'm soon to be employed by a US company who will be paying my wages through Paypal. For this reason I need to remove the recieving limit on my account, which I think is £2000 or around that amount.


So I have gone through the process:


'view your account limits' > 'lift limits' > 'personal details'


I'm being asked to update my personal details. No problem. Name, DOB, phone number, email, all fine.


One of the manditory fields however is 'street number' - which we do not have in the UK. I have a regular UK address. House name, road name, town, postcode. I have tried Google searching more information on street numbers and it seems to be limited to the US and Canada. 


I have emailed the help centre twice and just got the same response each time - a generic email that does not address my problem.


Are there any PayPal staff or users out there that can provide some insight?


Thank you





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I'm planning to do that tomorrow. Hopefully they can suggest something? 

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