Name on business account


Can someone please help, as I’m completely stuck. Everything I’ve read suggests that I can prevent my real name being shown when using a business account. Yet that appears not to be the case. I’ve opened a business account, yet despite following all the steps, my real name appears on: Invoices sent to customers. PayPal send/receive notes. PaypalMe information. Email PayPal information. Can anyone confirm how to ensure that my real name is never shown. Or confirm it’s not possible. If it’s not I can close the account and find another way to sell my products. For the avoidance of doubt: my real name (legal, on bank accounts etc, is Fred [removed]. I want to sell things as John Doe, with no reference anywhere, on anything, at anytime, to Fred [removed].

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It's possible, but you need your business name to match you bank account. So if you're called Fred and but you want to trade as Bob, you set up a business bank account as Bob and a Paypal business account and specify your Business Name as Bob.


Failing that, you likely need to go with a third party provider, such as Wix, then link in payment solutions. This means your Paypal and bank identities are completely hidden, and all the customer sees is your business name on the invoice, or whatever.

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Hi @Rolyan


Thank you for your post.


If you have a business PayPal account, then your business name will show to your customers, not your personal name. I would suggest you update your business name to the name of your company. Simply follow the steps here.


This name should then appear on your invoices, etc. 


I hope this helps!

- Rachel 

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I haven’t got a bank account in my business name. Only in my legal name. So from what you say it’s not possible to set up a business account where my legal name is hidden from the customer. I’m surprised as I can’t be the only one wanting this. Sadly I’ll have to close the PayPal account, which is a shame. Thanks anyway.
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I'd imagine you'll find the same problems with any payment provider. Your account names need to match between the provider and your bank.

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I’m sure you’re right, but I spent a lot of time checking with PayPal that my situation could be handled. I explained in great detail that my real name is Fred [removed]. But I wanted to sell some books for charity under a pen name of ‘John Doe Books’. I didn’t want my real name to show anywhere to the customers. PayPal assured me that was possible. But sadly it isn’t. I still think others want this and it should be possible; I accept that the account and bank should be verified and linked, but it should still be possible to only reference the pen name. I’ll have to see if there is another way, although I accept there may not be.

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It's possible, but you need your business name to match you bank account. So if you're called Fred and but you want to trade as Bob, you set up a business bank account as Bob and a Paypal business account and specify your Business Name as Bob.


Failing that, you likely need to go with a third party provider, such as Wix, then link in payment solutions. This means your Paypal and bank identities are completely hidden, and all the customer sees is your business name on the invoice, or whatever.

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Thank you, most helpful.
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