My account has been set to limited but my account has cards and bank details that are not mine


It says that I can no longer use this account.

I have been trying to resolve this but I am nowhere near to a straight customer service.


Then weeks after, I've been receiving emails that a card is being added to my account.

To date, I have 4 cards connected to my account and 1 bank detail that is NOT mine.


What to do and how can I contact customer service?

I'm from the Philippines and cannot call using their phone number.

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Hello @cnineteen,


Thanks for visiting PayPal's Community Forum. 

We are sorry to hear that your account is under limitations. I know how frustrating it can be. Request you to kindly reach out to our customer support team to know what can be done next or to get an understanding of the possible solution to the issue raised. Please reach out to the Support Team during business hours by clicking the Contact option at the bottom of PayPal page. If your unable to login into your PayPal account do reach us via phone and kindly select "Call us as Guest".

Hope this helps you!

Warm Regards,


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So I tried contacting your customer service and I'm still in the call with no operator whatsoever. Poor customer service.

Is there an email that we can reach out to?

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