Need advice on Account / Donations / Payouts / technical issues

New Community Member

Hi.. My issue is complicated, but I will attempt to explain this as well as i can.. Please bare with me..


I have made a website, to which people will come and Donate money, and some people will GET Donations payed out To them. (this is the goal).

Currently I have used braintree to create a payment system. I have also played around with the PayPal Payouts system, however I have a few issues with it.


Before the questions, lets establish definitions:

- Payment -> is User using their credit / debit card / paypal account to send money to my Website's bank account. 

- Payout -> the Website sending money from the Website's bank account to the User's debit / credit / paypal account. 

- My project is in sandbox mode atm. 



1. Payouts. I have tested it and when sending the request I get a positive response saying it went just fine. Then when I go to my paypal account dashboard, It verifies that the transaction was indeed a success.  But the Email I used didnt receive anything. I was fully expecting an email that has a link or button, with the paypal logo, So I know that it was successful. OR a dialog that opens, like with the braintree payments gateway. Something to indicate that it actually succeeded. Is it a sandbox thing? How can I know that it will work in live mode?


2. Is there a way to use direct to credit / debit cards, with the paypal Payout?


3. The nature of the service I provide with this site, is 100% non-profit, therefore does not have an EIN, address or business credentials, its simply a service, made by me, for the end users. Is there a way to setup the payout without a PayPal Business Account? 

Mostly because I cannot go live, with a business account without Filling in the EIN, address, business credentials etc. So I am stuck. 

If not, then is there another way to set it up, so it is better suited to my needs ? 


Hope someone can help.

o/ MatriXz


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