Security Codes being sent




I keep receiving text messages saying "Your security code is: [code] Your code expires in 5 minutes. Please don't reply."


Is someone trying to log into my account? How can I stop this?


I've already changed my password.




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I received a security code on my phone from Pay Pal. I did not request it. The security code was legitimate so I changed my password. Has anyone else experienced this?

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Got one this morning Aug 5, didn't change password


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Hello @KRey32, @razz6

Welcome to the PayPal Community! I'm sorry to hear you've run into some unrecognized activity on your account. We normally recommend reporting any kind of this activity through our Resolution Center if you still have access to your account. If you do not, you can reach out to our Customer Support teams to report the activity as well. Here's a couple Help Center articles you may find useful: 


How do I contact PayPal customer service?
How do I report potential fraud, spoof or unauthorized transactions to PayPal?

Good luck!


  - Jon K


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I have been getting these for a while now. Like you @razz6, I did not change my password but I also have PayPal account setup so that it requires me to use my authenticator to access it. I use Quicken and I am wondering if Quicken running in the background may be trying to access my PayPal account to download my PayPal credit info during the night. Do you guys get the security codes in the wee hours of the day?

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This could be happening for multiple reasons including someone trying to get into your account. In my case I found this to be because of associating my PayPal account with wealth tracking apps like Mint or personal capital. These apps refresh transaction data on a regular basis and whenever they do, it triggers a text message with code. PayPal shouldn’t be sending this text for this because these apps are not waiting for these codes on texts.
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I had this happen 3 times in a row, then I noticed I had the PayPal login screen (mobile) open in another tab in chrome. Soon as I closed it. The texts stopped.
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I had a tab open in my phone too and closed it just now. Time will tell if your solutions works for me. Thanks for the info at the very least.

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I changed the email address and they stopped for a few days but I just got 2 in a row.  Why do these people do this?  I do not get why they click one time code and somehow know my email addresses.  I cannot figure how the system is not catching these hackers.

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Received a message on my mobile phone fro[Removed. Phone #s not permitted]with the following message:

Paypal: xxxxxx is your security code.  Don't share your code.


I did not ask for a security code though...

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Hello @aileen2000

Thanks for joining the Community! 

I understand you received a security code you didn't request, and I'm sorry to hear that. I recommend resetting your password and security questions as soon as you can. If you notice any unauthorized transactions, please report them immediately. For further assistance, feel free to contact Customer Support by clicking 'Contact' at the bottom of any PayPal page. Support is also available if you send a DM to @AskPayPal on Twitter or a PM to

I hope this helps! 

- Meghan

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