Why is PayPal customer service utterly useless?

I have been using PayPal for a while. I made my last complaint back in March. Still no answer which is appalling. There are ongoing issues which are well known which I escalated to the CEO of the company. I will pass this back to the top again. It's almost as if Paypal really don't like or care about their customers. I don't understand why a company don't want to resolve issues. I've never had this sort of behaviour from any other company in the way PayPal. I realise the issues with their customer service is known. My last conversation with PayPal was next to bizarre and not sure how the rep is still in his job. Please PayPal start sorting out how you interact with your customers and actually start sorting issues reported. I'm still waiting on a reply about my complaint back in March, it's now almost September 🤷‍♂️
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Problem with this response? I have spoken to the customer service loads of times. They are next to useless. Pasting a link to a useless customer service who I have said I have already spoken to doesn't resolve the issue. I think you have demonstrated my point of how useless PayPal is with their customers & how little they care about their customers 🤷‍♂️
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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



I posted a link because there is nothing anyone on here can do about your complaint is there???

You are stating customer services are useless, ok so what are we supposed to do about it?

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So posting a link to an utterly waste of time customer support wasn't an appropriate response was it. I will email the CEO as no one within PayPal seem to be competent. The whole customer service is really appalling tbh. With a complaints department who don't even respond. So if I don't go here, customer service is useless. Complaints are elusive what is your next suggestion? This has been going on a few years now.
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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



I posted the link to customer services as ONLY they can help you.

If they won't or can't help you then its not my problem.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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