Unable to process payments on Website or with Virtual Terminal, all of a sudden.

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Been using paypal to process payments on my website and through Virtual Terminal for about a year now. 

All of a sudden, nothing works.  Orders through webiste sending Order Failed messages, and virtual terminal saying...can not process payment at this time.  It's been going on over a month now.  Support unable to solve yet.  Any input would be great.

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Have you resolved this issue yet?  I'm having the same problem with VT.

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Good day @KIRIO / @fnasser17,


Thank you for posting to the PayPal community.


As per latest logs, PayPal internal services are active and working fine without any issues.



Could you please confirm whether your still facing issue processing payments via PayPal. 


I would suggest to process a test payment via card which is not linked to your PayPal account. Since, merchant can't process self payments.


If your still facing issues, please create a MTS ticket via -  https://www.paypal-support.com/s/?language=en_US with the detail information and error details.




PayPal/Braintree MTS


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