how do I find a button that allows editing of my entries that get stored in my invoice item library


it seems impossible to find the button that would allow editing of my entries that get stored in my invoice item library. I can edit an item to be used immediately in real time but I cannot find out how to edit my STORED library items. In other words, the library of items that I recall from storage for use as invoice items cannot be edited, stored and retrieved in its edited form for use on an invoce. A line item for an invoice cannot be edited, stored and retrieved for use in its new form. I know this can be done because I have accidentally stumbled upon it and used it to edit my library items, but I am unable to find the button to push to bring that capability back.

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I have the same problem. Can't find anywhere to gain access to my list of line items. Need to be able to change item code, prices and delete some old items. Have tried contacting PayPal and it appears that no one has any idea or just cannot understand my question. Hope some one may help.

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Me too.  Can't find how to do this.  It's frustrating as hell.

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Same here! And I'm an IT expert that helps clients edit, repair and setup their invoicing systems.. 😉 PayPal has seriously lost a lot of value in their team that put this together. PayPal is listening to its own noise and not actually relying on solid feedback. The proof of that is in the pudding. 

They always say something like, "that's very simple, you just need to go here, click this, follow the link at the bottom of the page, then click on this, then follow that link, and then hit the scroll down menu, and WALLAH there it is! See!? Simple!  LOL 

These people are out of their minds and they need a reality check!

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