Pay in 4 option not appearing despite not using it before?


Hello, I'm having troubles with using the PayPal pay in 4 option, the payment option does not appear to be in the checkout section. I have no clue why as the website is 'The Good Guys' meaning it is verified with the option of using the pay in 4 payment, it is even plastered all over the screen even the products I was attempting to purchase. My account is also not limited, I have not used the pay in 4 payment, never charge backed or refunded since the creation of my PayPal account thus I have no potential missed payments etc... My account also has the significant funds to cover the purchase.

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Hello @Squishy1


Welcome to the PayPal Community Forum. I'm sorry to hear you've run into issues using Pay in 4 when you would like. Unfortunately, the option to use Pay in 4 may not be available for every transaction. Most of the criteria for Pay in 4 can be found in here: What is Pay in 4? 


However, there's also other internal security reasons why it may or may not be available for a specific transaction. In those cases, trying to complete the purchase with another funding source may be the best option.


My apologies for any inconvenience this may cause, 


 - Jon K

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How do you make payments specifically to pay in 4. All my DD payments go towards pay in 3, but it doesn't allow for any extra payments to go towards pay in 4. I was under the impression that all minimum payments would cover ALL credit purchases.

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Hello @Paul469


Welcome to the PayPal Community Forum! Sorry for any confusion regarding Pay in 3 and Pay in 4. Whether Pay in 3 or Pay in 4 is available depends on the country, their local financial regulations, and what kind of repayment periods are allowed. In the UK, unfortunately Pay in 4 is not available. 


My apologies for any inconvenience this may present, 


 - Jon K

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I have the Pay in 4. The problem is, unlike the Pay in 3, it doesn't allow you to allocate an individual payment to the Pay in 4. I'm looking for a work around that would allow me to do this.



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Hello @Paul469


Thanks for your reply and apologies for any confusion. I'd recommend reaching out to our Customer Support teams to see what the issue may be. Here's a Help Center article with their contact info: How do I contact PayPal Customer Service?


Best wishes!


 - Jon K

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Hi Jon,


Apparently the way to make individual payments to a Pay in 4 is to wait until the 0% interest period is finished. After that it gets moved to the general payment, after that you have 25 days before the interest is calculated. It is during the 25 days that individual payments can be made. Defeats the point of 4 months interest free. Best to avoid Pay in 4 altogether.



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