Are buyers in international transactions protected without tracking?


I'm selling an item to a buyer in the Netherlands.  I'm in the US. Before the sale, I looked up shipping on pirateship and the results said tracking available for major countries. After the payment was made, I clicked on 'create a label' in the transaction, which led me to shipstation. Since shipstation asked for a "harmonization code" or schedule B code, which I couldn't figure out, I took the package to the post office where they told me tracking is only available until the parcel leaves the US and that the Netherlands didn't allow (??) USPS tracking. My buyer is wondering if the buyer protection is still valid even if tracking isn't available.  I will be shipping to the address on the paypal account. It's a small cheap item so neither one of us wants to switch to a more expensive shipper. thank you. 

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Your buyer would have buyer protection, if they opened a dispute for non receipt of item it would be up to you to provide trackable proof of delivery of the item to them and if not they may well get a refund.

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