Button works in safari, not chrome

Button works in Safari, not chrome
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Hello @Whitby333,

Welcome to PayPal Community Forum and thank you for posting!

I am sorry to know that the buttons aren't working and I understand it is unacceptable. As per the information that you have shared, it seems like this is a due technical glitch with the browser. In this case, I would recommend you try some troubleshooting steps such as clearing the cache and cookies to see if that works or check if there are any changes in the settings.


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Thank you Ayesha, Had business account for 20-25 years, selling CD’s, new button is for digital download (.zip w/audio files).. Only tested with safari and chrome (so far:), but have tried chrome on 2 different Macs, and 2 different smartphones… same thing, after transaction the browser hangs indefinitely. I suspected the same thing so we tried refreshing page, clearing cache, etc., (all machines, phones, browsers reasonably current). Here is a page with fussy test button: [removed] (If you want to test, I’ll cheerfully refund:). I’ve really tried to work this out myself. I think I’ve found everything for digital downloads in archives, set up my account, and tweaked the button code… should work, does work:). Any adult supervision appreciated, thanks again, Jim

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Hello @Whitby333


Welcome back! Thank you for the additional information. Have you tried potentially recreating your buttons with the Integration Builder? There you can demo and test buttons to make sure they work in all supported browsers. Here's also a link to our Developer page on Setting up Standard Payments if you need it. 

You're also welcome to reach out to our Customer Support teams for assistance setting up your buttons as well. 


I hope that helps!


 - Jon K

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Thank you JonK, Admittedly trying to avoid the sandbox:), but desperate times and all… thank you for the link. And yes, am in touch with merchant techs… did I mention I’m desperate:)? Actually, I’m just tenacious, and grateful! If I learn anything helpful, will report back, Jim
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Hey JonK, I’m dyslexic, working in that code is daunting/bewildering:). I’m beginning to suspect that digital media downloading isn’t possible within the average user PayPal button environment. Is there any information I can supply to shed light on this here? If not, any suggestions as to where else I might turn? I do appreciate the help!
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PS Been down the customer support route several times:). I’ve really tried to figure this out myself (hate pestering good folks like yourselves:).
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Hey Ayesha, The only things I haven’t exhausted are JonK’s thoughtful suggestions to deep dive into code… May I ask if you know of any PayPal resources for button designers? Do such resources exist (for love or money:)? I’ve been trying to solve this puzzle for months. Perhaps there’s a solution for the person skilled in code… or perhaps PayPal actually doesn’t support digital media downloading? Thanks in advance, Jim
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