Missed payment, PayPal didnt take it.

On August 31st I bought something from Argos using Pay in 3. But on the 2nd of September I noticed I had an 'overdue payment' on it. I've been using pay in 3 since PayPal started it, and every time they've taken the money on the date I started the new plan. I have no idea why they didn't this time as I 100% had the money in my bank because I got paid a couple of days before. Now I don't have the option to use pay in 3 anymore, and I'm worried if this will affect my credit score. Will I eventually get pay in 3 back? And to let whoever know that this seems to have been a glitch on PayPal part.
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Noticed this issue today too. They were meant ti take a payment on the 1st but stated it was missed. No email or notification of it being missed mind. And like you definitely had the funds!
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I did contact PayPal and they didn't really help. But they did say I can re-apply 35 days after my application, whatever that means.

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Just realized this has happened to me too. Bought something using pay in 3 on August 31st. I tried to buy something new with pay in 3 today and got rejected, I was confused why so I logged on to my account and saw there was an overdue payment for the pay in 3 purchase for August 31st, looked at it and an automatic payment hadn't been attempted nor was there any kind of email, text or call about it and I had plenty in the bank it was supposed to take it from so I did a manual payment today. I'm worried that a paypal system error is going to lock me out of pay in 3 and possibly damage my credit score. I was thinking of contacting paypal to see if I could at least get pay in 3 back because it was their mistake but judging by your response it seems why bother...

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I contacted Paypal again, they confirmed it won't impact your credit score. I told them I need Pay in 3 and they said they've added a note on my account, so might be worth getting in touch with them. 

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I just got an email from PayPal saying they recently learned they didn't take the payment, and said sorry this happened. And that this had no impact on my schedule or loan status. But they said they didn't take the 1st payment, when it should've been the 2nd, and they're requesting I pay £10 by the 12th, I've already fully paid off that payment plan now, though. I still can't use pay in 3. 

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Hello @DarrenW84 @Deanny86 and @Dewgy 


Thank you for writing in the PayPal Help Community!


I understand your concern about the scheduled payments not processing towards your Pay in 3 plan. Currently there is a known issue with the Pay in 3 repayments. I would recommend you to reach out to PayPal support team to get your information added to any open tickets to aid the concerned team getting this resolved.


Apologies for the inconvenience again!



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How do i open a ticket please as same happened to mine.
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The exact same happened to me and for a pay in 3 purchase I made on the exact same date - August 31st. Clearly PayPal has had an issue as I can see several people have been affected. So now we're all being punished by having the PI3 option taken from us due to an error on their part?
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Same exact thing! It failed to take a payment i logged in and paid it manually when i saw that it said i had not paid it. Now ive not got 3 options to pay yet how is this my fault? Money was in the bank this is clearly a fault their end. Exact same date as all of you.
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