PayPal credit payment

Hi how on earth do I pay off a due PayPal 4 month interest free loan?? Thought it would be a simple case of tapping on the loan and paying it off, but no? Do I just make a payment to PayPal credit for the correct amount. If so how does PayPal know I have paid off the loan so no interest fees are added Thanks bob
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Hi, thanks for the info, but I assume that I just pay the amount immediately and that's that? How does PayPal know that I have just paid off a particular interest free loan??? Do not want to find PayPal take the money off the grand total BUT then add interest as they do not know I have paid a particular loan??
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Hi everyone! Thank you for visiting PayPal's Community Forum. Thank you @kernowlass for your help on this one so far! We appreciate you taking the time to assist. 


@Bobthestug, Welcome to PayPal's Community Forum. I'm sorry to hear there's been some confusion on how to pay back a particular loan. I would recommend reaching out to PayPal Credit's Customer Support teams for assistance on paying back a specific loan.


Best wishes!


 - Jon K

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