Paypal Credit Promotional Period & Minimum Payment vs Payment to avoid Interest

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If i have special financial purchases on paypal credit where I dont have to pay interest if I pay in full for 6 months. Can I just make the monthly minimum for 5 months and pay the rest off the last month. I see there is an amount to avoid standard and deferred interest but I don't have to pay that amount because I plan to pay full balance before the 6 months end. Is this correct or will I be charged interest if i only make the minimum monthly payments?

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New Community Member

PayPal Credit insists that you must call them to specify when a payment is to be applied, but frankly, this seems like a load of nonsense. My attorney is already looking into this issue. I've attempted to email PayPal Credit three times regarding a purchase I wanted to pay off, and each time, the system encountered errors and prompted me to try again. This time, I'm escalating the matter to both the CFPB and the FTC. It's absurd to expect customers to make payments without a proper confirmation call at the time of payment. Don't fall for this trap; it's a perfect setup for them to profit unfairly.

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