Changing subscription plans and billing the difference


I am trying to implement seat based pricing but the documentation is very vague on what happens when plans are changed and how I can handle it.


For reference these are the docs I am following:


Let me give you an example.  Lets say I have this pricing:


  • 1-10 seats $5 each per month
  • 11+ seats $3 each per month

To mimic this in PayPal I create 2 quantity based subscription plans.  One with a quantity price of $5, the other for $3.  Both plans are on the same product and have term set to monthly.


There are a few situations I am unsure how to handle and cannot find this information in the docs.  They are as follows:


1) User signs up for 1 seat on the 1st June.  On the 15th June they decide to change to 5 seats.  The docs say this will be adjusted in the "next billing cycle" but I am unclear what that means.  Their next billing cycle is in 15 days so does that mean they get access to 4 seats for free that month?  What I would want to happen is the difference is calculated.  The user has paid $5 so far and is halfway through the month so half a month cost is $2.50.  The new subscription price is $25.  So the remainder of the month would cost $12.50.  So the difference to pay is $10 to cover them to the end of the month with the additional seats until they will then be billed $25 for a full month.  Is this in anyway possible?


2) User signs ups for 5 seats.  They then upgrade to 20 seats halfway through the month which moves them onto a different plan to get discounted pricing.  How does situation 1 play out again in this regard when changing plans?  How are the differences calculated and billed?


Many thanks


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