How to see paypal running balance?

New Community Member

Hello paypal, I want to see my detailed statements. I want to see my running balance for all of my transactions. I've download the report with balance effect for all type of file but all of them don't have any table for running balance. Paypal state it on the activity page that if I want to look for a running balance in my statement I should choose the custom option but I still don't see it at all.

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I've also have not found a solution to this issue.  I've found that I can export a csv file that includes the running balance but that does not resolve the primary issue of not being able to view it online.  We need to be able to see the running balance along with each transaction in order to properly maintain our accounts online or with our mobile devices.  What other ledger system doesn't do this????  I've messaged Paypal support but haven't received any reply.

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Finally got a reply from Paypal support:

"Personal accounts do not have an option to see a running balance and will have to download their history to do so. Apologize for the inconvenience caused."  Inconvenience is a bit of an understatement.

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