paypal holding my funds for 180 days !!!!

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absolultey destroyed by paypal !!!


i bought a bulk load of digital software from an outside source , i listed them on ebay , sold about 40 % of them ,

buyers all paid by paypal , i literally sent the games after 5 mins of received payment ......


i went to withdraw the funds ( from my verified paypal account to my linked bank account !!!

withdrawer was reversed and a hold put on my paypal account ........i then phoned paypal and they said it was held just a precaution and i had done nothing wron and to continue to trade on ebay .........( funds would be released in 48 hours !!!!


then a couple of hours my paypal account was frozen for 180 days !!!!


i have over £350 in cleared funds , have sent out £350 worth of software and will not get my money for 180 days !!!!!


this is disgusting as i have done nothing wrong at all , no bad feedback and all buyers have got their purchases .......


you phone paypal they say one thing and the do another ........( even told me to keep seling while account was blobked ......)


what on earth am i supposed to do now ? this seems like fraud to me and im going to have to get a solicitor or even get police involved , no reason has been given for closing my paypal account and keeping my funds , i now have lots of stock sold and lots of stock with no way of selling them , all in all i have lost about £1000 because of paypal .....


somebody please help !!!!

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Did the transfer complete? How long did it take from the time you submitted a claim with attorney general?

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they make interest off doing this to thousands of people... they need to compensate for the lost business they are going to suffer due to eBay finding a 2nd source for funds transfer... and technically they can bcuz of the stupid fine print.


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Same here. We were told we are high risk.. The issue is everything was showed to be ok we just had to verify bank account and they wanted business docs. Then after supplying everything we were told we can no longer use their service. NO BIG deal but its wrong what they are doing. You should not have business using your services and then you want to verify them. You should verify everyone before you have then collecting money. It's wrong what they are doing, hope the government or some government agency listening that what paypal is doing is wrong. They do not know what it's like to be a poor business owner and relying on sales you make to cover your expenses and do day to day business. Someone need to do something about it.. verify then use not use and the. Verify!!
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My biggest mistake was failing to read other people's experiences before proceeding to use PayPal. Apparently this cases a more common than they should. What's worse is you have no guarantee you'll ever recover your money. They take the money and add it to their books as part of their profits. It may be the world's largest Ponzi scheme. They are crooks

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es exactly the same here £1300 held and no explanation as to why account closed, just that they dont want to do business with me, funny how they wait till I have £1300 balance to do this and not when its zero.


They now ignore all emails and if I use the number generated when i try to call they dont answer, very childish and excellent customer service.


i wonder what the total funds they have holding nice earner in interest.


i am not convinced they will contact me after 180 days either and i have no way of contacting them that they read


shocking service shocking comapny


total pirates


will be taking legal route after 180 days


glad i am not using them now

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They have holder my money for 180days I don't know what is the problem.
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The sad thing is the Government is enabling this but there must be a way for voices to be heard. If we're all scammers or doing scam wouldn't the FBI be at our doors knocking.. it's sad and wrong but because they're so big and powerful they just do whatever they want to do but remember small axe can cut down a big tree... while I await my 180 days I'm seeing what options are there we just need a court that believes in humanity to take our cases...
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$836.00 That is how much paypal stole from me I also have 100% feedback on eBay.... I also have zero cases ever opened on me also have done all returns and proved all fulfillment to them they refused still to release my available money . I then began to fill like I got scammed and told them just how I felt. The next day they locked my money and put a 6 month hold on it. This is theft at this point . I asked eBay to step in but they can not Because they have released the money to me in my paypal who then stole it from me and charged me a fee to do so. How is this fair. I will notify the police here in Florida and contact Morgan and Morgan and begin to file suit against paypal. I will also bring in this evidence showing that pay pal is doing this to people on 4 digit scale. This scam of them collecting money and holding it needs to be exposed to all local media. This has to 🛑
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Let's all make a video explaining our story and then post it online so they can see it's real people behind these post. You can download WhatsApp and send me video. I'll edit it myself.
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I've been a Paypal customer for nearly 17 years. I'm a wife and mother.  I sell small amounts on ebay, just things such as clothes and make up. My bank account has been linked all this time, and I have a linked credit and debit card. Paypal recently, after all this time asked for ID. I sent them scans of my council tax bill, bank statements, a recent letter from the NHS which contained my date of birth and my NHS number and a scan of my polling card. I have been at the same address, my own home for 13 years, however Paypal stated they needed a copy of my passport which I don't have.

In the UK we don't have ID cards, many people still have paper driving licences with no photo. I have never been asked for a photo ID, and I've had two mortgages, and of course several bank accounts.


Due to medical reasons, I don't have a passport. Unlike most of Europe, the UK has no formal national ID card and no legal requirement for any form of photo-ID (albeit you won’t be able to drive unless you still have an old style paper only licence) Photo ID is not mandatory in the UK and I have never been asked for it before, until dealing with Paypal. 



I have 100% feedback on ebay and have never had disputes. When I explained to Paypal I don't have photo ID, they locked my account, so I can no longer

pay for anything, not even through my cards on Paypal? I sold two items at the weekend, only small amounts, but had to pay for the postage from my

bank account. I don't understand why Paypal are quite happy to keep accepting money into my account, yet I can't even pay for customers postage?

They are making me feel like a criminal, though I've done nothing wrong at all.


The main reason I don't have a passport is due to a heart problem and this issue with paypal is causing me great stress. I've tried to speak to them, but I've been going round in circles, they just say we need a copy of your passport?? If I had known 17 years ago they would ask for that, I would have told them then, I don't have a passport! Why were they happy to make money from me all this time with no passport?

Also if they look at our situation in the UK, we aren't asked for this type of information by our banks, so why are they any different? 

I have sent them plenty of information, I have small amounts of money going into my paypal account, and had no clue this would happen after all this time. After reading the forums we are all being held by paypal and there is often no reason at all. I had no idea Paypal could behave like this. Until you have a problem you're totally unaware how difficult they are to deal with. They don't respond to letters or emails, we're at their mercy and they don't care about any of us. How sad such a huge company can treat their customers like trash. We are individuals with lives and families and bills to pay.


I would rather give the money in my paypal account to charity than let them keep it, but I don't even have that option. 

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